We’re all suckers for the Jonas Brothers

After a long awaited reunion, the Jonas Brothers debut their new song and music video titled ‘Sucker’.

With now over 45 million views and counting, their video has given us all what we have been waiting for. For some of us, there has always been a glimmer of hope that the famous trio will reunite after their long hiatus. During their split, the eldest, Kevin Jonas, was married and had a brief appearance on a reality show titled ‘Married to Jonas‘ with his wife, Danielle Jonas. Joe Jonas, the middle child (and my childhood favorite), found himself in a band known as DNCE. He created the hit song called ‘Cake by the Ocean’ and found success for quite some time. Nick Jonas, the youngest and most successful of the three during their separation became a solo artist. With songs like ‘Jealous’ topping the charts for numerous weeks, he continued to connect to his fans all on his own.

Although they each found successes in their own ways, fans waited patiently for the news of their return. The Jonas Brothers released their brand new song and album cover titled ‘Sucker‘ on March 1st, 2019 at 12 AM. Billboard states that their last appearance on the Billboard charts was six years prior. Twitter fans rallied together and supported their new style and sound in hopes that entire album releases in the coming weeks.

The video showcases Nick Jonas’s new wife, Priyanka Chopra, Kevin Jonas’s wife, Danielle Jonas and Joe Jonas’s fiancĂ©, Sophie Turner. It gives the fans a chance to look into the way their lives have changed and it makes us wanting more. ENews states that “in a recent interview on PopBuzz Meets, they hinted about a future tour. No dates have been announced.”

This long awaited announcement has brought many fan girls and boys out of remission and even inspired them to redecorate their rooms. Twitter user, @hannahhborchert tweeted an old photo of herself at a concert supporting the brothers before their split. Others were inspired to unpack old t-shirts and listen to their previous albums to commemorate their return. Nick Jonas responded to all the love by tweeting the day after the video was released and thanked his fans for all the support.

The feedback that the brothers have received have surpassed their expectations as did the expectations that the fans had for their new music. Who doesn’t love a boy band getting back together? The fact that they are brothers makes it that much better.

The Oscar’s go GaGa

Throughout the night built to honor the stars, Lady Gaga finds herself in yet another awards show ceremony spotlight.

Courtesy of Mashable

After a night of triumph, laughter and a little controversy, Lady Gaga and Bradley Coopers’ performance this past Sunday night became the most buzz worthy talk in the Twittersphere. With reports confirming that Gaga is now single, speculation was easy to stir up during their touching performance. Twitter user @JezzaMxwll jokes that “Bradley Cooper just left his wife for Lady Gaga.” Millions of memes and gossip news spread which easily separated the twitter fans. Team Lady Gaga, or team Irina Shayk (Cooper’s real life girlfriend).

On Sunday night, the song Shallow received the Oscar for Best Original Song from the film A Star Is Born at the 91st Academy Awards. Cooper directed and starred in the film with Gaga by his side in a romantic and emotional whirlwind of a story. The film created a close relationship between the two actors and it was easy to see their chemistry on and off the screen. It was visibly clear to see just what the fans were speculating.

Courtesy of TVLine

It is easy to poke fun and pretend that their on screen romance could progress into an off screen affair, but in reality, he is in a relationship with someone else. Although this topic has been trending for the past two days, the fans will understand and agree that their romantic relationship in the film should stay there.

As far as the singing goes, who knew Cooper had chops? The performance made us all feel as though we were there and witnessing the movie in real life. It was beautiful and touching to see the story come to a different audience and see a scene from the film in a whole new light. We were able to connect with the characters once again and feel their love for each other.

What we know about the Jussie Smollett case

It all started with the “Empire” actor, Jussie Smollett’s late night attack last month. The 36 year old actor told police that he was attacked in the city by two unidentified men who shouted racist and homophobic slurs during the incident. Officials have not yet identified the two men and have not charged anyone for the assault. A recent video has been posted of an interview with Smollett and CNN explaining his attack in further detail.

Courtesy of CNN.com

The evidence in the case is minimal which leaves the case hard to configure. According to CNN.com, Anthony Guglielmi, a Chicago Police spokesman authorities possess a video showing Smollett with a rope around his neck after the attack. Smollett explained that his attack was followed by racist slurs involving his show “Empire” which makes it apparent that the attackers knew who Smollett was.

New changes unravel earlier this week about a recent arrest of two suspects. Speculations arise that the attack might have been staged although these reports are currently unconfirmed by the Chicago Police and have not been proven. Variety reports that a reporter from ABC 7 Chicago received multiple sources have stated that the attack was planned and set up by Smollett himself because he had recently been written off the show. Further reports have stated that these findings are untrue and unconfirmed.

Courtesy of SDGLN.com

Although some of the reports are untrue, it still arises questions about the legitimacy of the case. Why haven’t the Chicago police found more information when the attack was over a month ago? This attack could very well be a real and legitimate attack but it has caused some to question Smollett’s character when he is, in fact, the victim. To clear his name and uncover the real truth behind the attack, the police must come forward with proof and more evidence showing what really happened.

A Little Too Late?

In a recent scramble to end all negativity around the release of their new balaclava jumper, Gucci has released a statement apologizing for any offensive product marketing.

Courtesy of NY Post

It was hard to miss the negative feedback on social media earlier this month regarding the brands choice of design for the infamous sweater. Users were quick to say that it resembles blackface which has been a frequent controversial topic with luxury brands in the past. For example, Prada released a keychain with a monkey on it resembling the blackface character ‘Sambo’ in December of 2018, just two months prior to Gucci’s debacle.

In their recent twitter post, they struggle to reconcile their brand and assure their customers that this was a mistake and it is a learning opportunity. They also mention that their brand holds diversity in high regard and the sweater has since been removed from all stores.

Courtesy of Gucci’s Twitter Account

Since these ‘apology tours’ have become so frequent in the fashion world, it begs the question, when will it end? Our fashion sense is determined not by race, but by creativity and expression. The fashion industry must hold themselves accountable for mistakes like these because they can be easily avoided. If a company is quickly forgiven after every apology post, then when will they learn?

Twitter users have come forward and expressed their frustrations in the attempt to make a change. At this point in time, we should all be aware that anything that is released by these types of companies will inevitably reach a wide audience. They must take it upon themselves to be socially conscience and aware of what they put out into the world, and not rely on an apology post to help dig them out of the grave they put themselves in.

Fyre Under Fire

In the attempt to create a more tropical version of Coachella, the infamous Fyre Festival was born. In January of 2017, Fyre Festival released a video promising festival goers a two-weekend festival getaway like never before. The video showcases Kendall Jenner, Hailey Baldwin, Bella Hadid, Emily Ratajkowski, and more partying on the beach, in yachts, and at dj sets. The video also states that this remote island in the Exumas was supposedly once owned by Pablo Escobar. The pricing to attend this elaborate experience were well above a reasonable amount and still, the tickets sold instantly. Now I know what you’re thinking. This sounds a little too good to be true, and it was.

Photo by Sitocorock.com

The mastermind behind it all was Billy McFarland. A 27 year old party boy from New York that began making plans for the festival starting in 2016. Now facing a prison sentence of six years in federal prison for wire fraud charges, the models who promoted the scam festival may be subpoenaed for their involvement as well.

Photo by Vulture.com

Why would their involvement be of any interest to the court? If they were scammed like everyone else, aren’t they actually the victims? Yes, but the models were paid for promoting and exposing the public to this festival and the proof needs to be shown. The court would like to understand the amount of money spent as well as where it all went. The involvement of not only the models, but the caterers, the performers and anyone else that was paid for the promotion or participation is important in understanding the case as a whole.

Approximately 26 million was spent on the Fyre Festival and payments of up to 1 million were given to the celebrities to endorse the two weekend getaway experience. Not only did the celebrity involvement damage their credibility and respect in the industry, but the lawsuit is still haunting them two years later.

Raising the Volume

Billie Eilish is just one of the new-era artists that is bringing fans everything they didn’t even know they were missing. At the young age of 17, her voice is capable of luring in audiences with her relatable lyrics and bad ass attitude. She found her start in music after releasing her single “Ocean Eyes” at the early age of 13. She released this song with her brother, Finneas which makes fans even more invested in every single one of her performances. Who doesn’t love a good family bonding session?

Picture from Pinterest

Her mature lyrics and haunting voice has that ability to captivate audiences without mercy. She quickly created waves in the music industry because of her “cool girl” vibe and eccentric street style. In 2018, Eilish had the opportunity to perform on multiple platforms including her recent performance of “You Should See Me In A Crown” on The Ellen Show.

Picture from Clashmusic.com

With over 19 million Spotify plays it makes it easy to forget that this rising artist is still so young. She has accomplished her goals in a short amount of time and she plans to take her success to the next level for the new year. Her elusive tom boy style and her edgy demeanor is what makes her so unique and worth watching. She invests her time in not only writing her own songs with help of her brother, but also lends her creative mind to the music video making process as well. Eilish’s music video for “When the Party’s Over” was performed while bleeding black tears. She envisioned a video that was able to portray her lyrics more than with just her voice. This concept brought out the emotional side in her fans and lets be honest, we all need a nice little cry sometimes. Her performances on camera and off are what make this artist so memorable and it is what will make this girl stick around for the long run.

Word vomit

Thank you for checking out my blog! I hope that you can find this space as a look into the way I think, feel and admire all the things about entertainment. As a journalism student, I find it easy to get lost in the world of media, politics and opinions. Poppin Culture is an opportunity for me to turn (for lack of a better word) my word vomit into stories that my friends and I all like to gossip over a couple of drinks at our local happy hour. Cheers!